What is Kagura?

Kagura is a traditional performance dance and it is considered a cultural asset of Japan. It has been passed down from generation to generation in various regions of Japan and has been performed around the world. Today there are approximately 4,000 kagura performance troupes in Japan and 38 of these troupes have been designated as nationally important intangible folk cultural assets.


Shiromi Kagura

Shiromi Kagura is one of these kagura, and was the second kagura in Japan to be designated by the government.

In the steep mountain village of Shiromi, 33 performances are performed every year on the night of December 14 under the extremely cold nighttime sky.

The dance has been performed for more than 500 years with hunted boars and agricultural products placed on the altar as an expression of gratitude to nature and for prayer.

In addition to the solemn, mystical atmosphere, the dance still retains a very old form, with comical performances expressing hunting.

We make yuzu on a daily basis but we are also dedicated to being lifelong dancers of Kagura in order to preserve this important cultural asset.

Throughout the year, we train our bodies and our minds to be able to perform Kagura for our annual village-wide festival of thanksgiving at the Shiromi Shrine Grand Festival.
